Monthly Archives: October 2011

Owls! And Disney on Ice (the two are not related)

Owl Time recently went to Max’s school. He got to learn all about owls, see a bunch of them flying, and even get his picture taken with one! As you can see, he thought it was very super cool. We just got the picture back today.

More super exciting news — The Max has won another contest! There are tons of kids magazines over here (they may be in the US too; I just never noticed them over there) and they all have games, puzzles, and (cheap) toys attached to them. He’s addicted. We can’t hardly get past a newsstand without buying another one. He won a Handy Manny toy a couple of months ago. This week he won 4 tickets to Disney on Ice!

Pretty amazing when you think that we’ve only sent in about 5 entry forms. He is SUPER DUPER excited about this. We’re going to take his friend Miles (from upstairs). There will be Toy Story, Cars, Little Mermaid and Tinkerbell! It will be Disney overload!

Me and My Daddy

I could add words, but why?

Go Karts!

The Max has been to two more birthday parties since I last updated. He went to an after-school birthday lunch at one friend’s house (wherein he apparently discovered race tracks and moon sand) and then, this weekend, he went to a Go Kart party at Willesden Sports Centre.

I can not begin to tell you how excited he was about his first time driving. He was, as he said, super fast. Click on through to embiggen.

Tidy Up Time

Max got his first commendation at school today, signed by the headmistress and everything! He’s quite proud.

My commendation!

It says that Max: “always helps with tidying the class”. Actually, that picture doesn’t show how proud he is:

THIS is how proud I am.

Yep. That pretty much covers it.

In other news, The Max’s social calendar is filling up. He’s had two playdates with girls from school now, an after school birthday this Thursday and another birthday party this Sunday. Whew! I haven’t figured out how we’re going to fit other things in, like skateboard or swimming lessons. He still has football on Thursday afternoons too.