Monthly Archives: August 2016

Holland Park

Yesterday we went to Holland Park for Pokemon hunting (Max) and to see the Kyoto Garden (Nana).

There were Pokemon players (and Pokemon) everywhere.

And peacocks too. (Not us feeding it)

The flowers were all out and the Kyoto garden was lovely as always.

Twinings Tea Museum

Max took Nana to the Twinings Tea Museum and Shop today.

He really enjoyed picking out the tea! We’ll have to see if he likes drinking it too.

“It’s a really nice place,” he says.

Stig of the Dump

Max and I went to Stig of the Dump at the Arts Theatre today. He had a great time. It was a very interactive show, starting off with some colouring in and making of paper airplanes to fly up to the stage. Max will be yelling out “Jelly Baby” for awhile, I think!