Monthly Archives: December 2012

Gingerbread house

We made a gingerbread house today for Christmas. Max put his own special touch on it.

Adventure journal

Max has started an adventure journal. He’s adding pages for all the places he has been, like Kenya and China and, of course, Legoland and Warwick Castle.

Christmas Fair

Max didn’t make it to school today as he is still sick, but I took him briefly to the school fair. He made ornaments, saw Santa, and bought stuff. Then he napped.

School Picture

Not that any picture captures the wonder that is The Max, but here’s one of his school photo shots. 😉

Christmas Joy

Max is so excited about Christmas this year and about opening boxes on his Advent calendar (we got him the Lego Star Wars one). On December 1st, I put him to bed and then went to check on him later. I found him fast asleep with a Gators Santa hat on his head. That’s how excited he is about the holidays this year.

Max Vader!

A co-worker of Tony’s was kind enough to pass on a Darth Vader costume to The Max (who is deeply deeply into Star Wars right now). Max was SO excited!

O Christmas Tree

We put up the Christmas tree today and Max was a HUGE help. He especially liked seeing ornaments that had something to do with him — things he’d made or ones that people had given him.
