Monthly Archives: February 2013

The Wallace Collection

We visited the Wallace Collection today and Max loved it, especially where he got to try on the armour.

Warwick Castle

We took Max and a friend of his from school (Rohan) to Warwick Castle yesterday to kick off his half term break.

A special thanks to the fellow dressed up as King Henry VIII for helping us to get into the castle in a timely fashion and to the Black Knight for his awesome storytelling.

Watching the trebuchet being loaded and fired!

Watching the trebuchet being loaded and fired!

Hello there, Old Waxy King

Hello there, Old Waxy King

Storytelling time! This was Max's favorite part.

Storytelling time! This was Max’s favorite part.

Holding a shiny (and stinky) dragon scale.

Holding a shiny (and stinky) dragon scale.

Watching the duel.

Watching the duel.

On our way home!

On our way home!

Off to Warwick Castle

We are off to see Warwick Castle!

Angry Birds card game

Max’s favourite card game! Family game time.


First time no training wheels


Max’s assembly was today. It was a montage with the three little pigs and Crowded House’s Our House. He delivered his line very well– he was one of the police constables that arrested the Big Bad Wolf.


Yesterday was Shrek at Theatre Drury Lane. Max lived donkey especially.