Monthly Archives: December 2016

Mr Popper’s Penguins

Today we went to the Criterion Theatre to see Mr. Popper’s Penguins. It was one of my fav books when I was his age.

He picked out an appropriate shirt to wear all on his own. He loved the show so much he immediately asked if we could go again. It even “snowed” in the theatre.

Lovely time! And afterwards was sushi with a new friend, so a banner day all around.

Max Observations

Max: Dad, do you have a sense of humour?

Dad: Not really, no.

Max: That explains a lot.

Christmas Carols

Forms 3 and 4 gave a lovely singalong Christmas carol concert today. Max sang nice and loud!

I think he had fun. 🙂


Max is loving fencing and I finally got an action shot of him. He’s the one in the back.