Monthly Archives: February 2014

Making paper

Our half term project! We made six sheets.

Note to self: don’t put red paper in to recycle…everything comes out pink!

Max makes my lunch

Max made my lunch for me today.

Best peanut butter and Nutella sandwich ever!

First Krispy Kreme

Max’s first Krispy Kreme. “Ten hundred thumbs up!”

The Park

It is cold and off and on rainy, but we had some sun today so went to the park at the end of our street.

There was running.

There was climbing. And mud.

And after there was a warm bath.

Autumn Tree

More art from Max.

My Confident Little Artist

Max has been taking Art lessons at Corner 9, a local arts place (literally around the corner).

Last week he finished making a zebra.

And this week they made watercolor surreal Dreamscapes. The lady who teaches them says he is very confident in his art. He has no doubt. I love that.

Valentine’s Day Assembly

Max’s assembly was today.

He had two lines, sung the songs (grooving along with some fancy dance moves) and also created a Valentine: “I love my puppy because he is adorable! And I love my Mommy because she is cool!” (Other kids seemed to love their Mums because they cook them yummy food. I’ll take cool!)

Love that boy!

Max discovers Foghorn Leghorn

A classic cartoon afternoon.

Max Math

We have been talking about negative numbers today because Max is convinced that 2 – 3 is not negative one.

Me: OK, think of it like money. Say you had two pounds and you owed Daddy three pounds for something. You give him the two pounds and then you still owe him one. That’s the negative one.

Max: No, that’s not it! What I do if I want something that’s three pounds and I have two, I give two to Daddy and he gives me three and I buy it!


Dog and Boy