Monthly Archives: October 2013


And Mexican food with the fan

Gator practice

Max got to check out a UF Gator practice with Em and Uncle Steve. Yep, football. American style.

He also saw the stadium, where he ran up the steps and did the Gator chomp.

And saw the Heisman trophy statues.

And the gator.

Playground time

Hide and seek.

Pencil Cups

Decorating pencil cups with Auntie Lisa.

Feeding the horses

Fed the horses today with Auntie Lisa and Uncle Steve.


We saw this little sign at a shop in Micanopy the other day. Max said, “Oh, I should get that for Grandma.” I said,”Grandma doesn’t have room for it. Why don’t we take a picture instead and give her that?” Knowing that Mom has a house full of knick knacks…

A little later, Max said, “Auntie Lisa! Look what this says: This Grandma is Fabulous!” Lisa, of course, says “Are you going to get that for Grandma?”

“No,” Max says (loudly), “Grandma has too much stuff already!”

All the ladies in the store cracked up.

Pottery painting with Rach

Max painted some pottery with Rachael. He did some Christmas ornaments with lots of spots. 🙂


Golf with Pop Pop Watson

Today Max hit some balls with Pop Pop Watson.

He got a few good hits! And then it was time for a Popsicle.

Finding a Halloween costume

We went by a Halloween store to try and find a costume. First he tried a Power Ranger.

Cool, but way too big. Then we tried a Teen Titan. They are his newest obsession, so it seemed auspicious.

However, it didn’t quite fit, so then we found a ninja! Bingo!

Dinner with Ryan

Cousin love. 🙂