Monthly Archives: December 2015

May the Force Be With You

We took Max to see the new Star Wars movie. He really liked Finn and Rey and BB8. He was on the edge of his seat (literally) for the entire movie.

May the Force Be With You

We took Max to see the new Star Wars movie. He really liked Finn and Rey and BB8. He was on the edge of his seat (literally) for the entire movie.

Merry Christmas from The Max

May your day be bright and merry and your life filled with joy.

Cookie Day

Today Max and I baked cookies (we give them out in the neighbourhood). He took breaks too–he designed his Islands of Joy (think Inside Out the movie), which included Goofy Goober Island and Invention Island.

And he played / studied on the French learning website they recommend at the school.

And now that we are done baking, he’s found a MMORPG rated for 7+ and is trying it out. A full day, that.

Hour of Code

Max has completed the Hour of Code challenge. In fact, I think he’s probably on his third hour. He’s solved Minecraft puzzles and created a Flappy Bird style game.

Christmas tree time

Max picked out the tree and helped Daddy carry it home. It was heavy but he persevered.

Then we decorated it and it finally feels like December!

Carol Service

Tonight was Max’s school Christmas Carol Service. He did a lovely job, as did all the kids.

School Sleepover!

Max has a banquet and sleepover at school tonight and he is fired up and ready to go! The sleeping bag doubled as a bazooka on the way there.


We’re doing extra writing practice sheets for Max again as his handwriting is still the thing he needs to work on. This might be my fav so far out of all the ones he has done. Together they make perfect!