Monthly Archives: May 2015

Story War

Max and I are having a story war about a good Zombie named Max Excalibur and Steve the Zombie Hunter.


Max had a sleepover at a friend’s place last night. This was him on the way there. They played Terraria and chatted a lot from what I understand. 😉


Zombie Face Mask Time

Watering the Garden

Max is helping water the garden.


Beautiful day today so we are out in the park.

And finding forts.

Bon Voyage!

Max wishes Rach and Annmarie a great and safe journey! Off to Prague now!


Battleship with Annmarie while Rachael packs. The old fashioned way.

Max’s first mini

Max is going to join in our D&D game on Monday and Simon (Mommy’s DM for her normal game she’s been playing for over three years) created a character for him.

It’s a Bluespawn Godslayer. Max wanted to make a mini so we trekked over to the Games Workshop to see if they had anything that would work.

Then we got to work.

We both concentrated really really hard.

But I think it came out pretty well. And lots of gratuitous blood spatter.

Max quotes

Quotes from dinner tonight from Max:

“Watermelon is like a bloody cucumber cut in half.”

“Meat = good.”

“Daddy makes the best wings. My family is the best.”

Art Fair

Max’s school art fair was today. His class had an undersea theme.

This was Max’s octopus. Pretty amazing!

The whole fair was really beautiful. All the kids did excellent work.

And there was a shark.