Monthly Archives: October 2012

Burnham Beeches

Went out for a pub lunch and a tromp through Burnham Beeches with “Uncle” Charlie and “Aunt” Kat today. Max found many sticks and lots of mud. Fun day!

Sweetest Boy

So The Max says to me tonight: “Mommy, my kisses are magic. They go right to your heart.”

So true.


The Queen! In Lego! At Hamley’s (of course).

Sherlock Holmes Museum

The Case of the Man with the Twisted Lip was rather scary. The Hound of the Baskervilles part was rather cool though.

Full Max

Tried a mezze at a Greek place on Uxbridge. Max tried all kinds of things plus a plate of chips and chicken.

First Assembly

Max had his first Lower 1 assembly today. It was all about celebrating differences by way of Elmer the Patchwork Elephant. He did great!

17 October, 2012 14:29

Max and his self portrait (wearing his Sonic shirt).

New bookcase too!

And he’s got a new bookcase too–his room is pretty much done now!

New table!

Max has a new table and chair for doing homework and art and things like that. Or, you know, Legos.

Harvest Festival

Last Friday was Harvest Festival at Max’s school. He really enjoys performing and loves to sing. He’s also in Junior Choir this year and spends a lot of his time making up songs about random things (like Legos).