Monthly Archives: February 2016

Tower Bridge Experience

Some old friends are in town visiting, so we went around London with them yesterday (ending up in Chinatown for a big meal in celebration of the Year of the Monkey).

We also checked out the Tower Bridge Experience.

Max wasn’t entirely sure about standing on the glass over the roadway far below.

He definitely liked the engine room though.

And the sticker booklet!

Grecian Urn

Max made a Grecian Urn in school. “this pot is a hydria pot” he says. It’s got Icarus on the front. Lovely job!

Young Musician’s Assembly

Max played some James Brown today at a school assembly. He was the only electric guitar dude of the bunch. He rocked it. 🙂

Harry Potter Book Night

The local library had A Harry Potter night tonight so I took Max (some friends went as well). He did some colouring in and quizzes and wand duelling and had a great time.