Monthly Archives: June 2012

Out of Karma in Meanwhile Gardens

We walked back from Paddington again today, which takes us through Meanwhile Gardens. We caught the tail end of an urban food festival where a band called Out of Karma was playing. Max was in heaven. Reggae. His favorite.

Cumming Museum

We were in South East London today to visit an herbalist (I’m making soap again) and had a random stop by a nice little museum we’d never heard of before. They had a Dickens exhibit and lots of random things to explore. Max liked the interactive bits.

Show and Tell Fridays

Every Friday is Show and Tell at school. The theme this week was things that start with the letter “f” and we pulled out two plastic frogs this morning for Max to take. Then we promptly forgot them, only to realize it right as we got to the school. No time to go back home and get them and this is a serious tragedy because Show and Tell is Max’s favorite thing at school. His last commendation was for being so good and descriptive at Show and Tell. He LOVES Show and Tell.

All I had with me were my keys and his bike. “Aha!” I said before he could start to cry. “Take this!” I pulled the tassle off of my keys and told him what it was and that we could call it fringe and that starts with an “f” (of course, fringe here also means bangs, but I didn’t think about that until later). Disaster averted.

When I went to pick Max up, I heard the story as written above in his school journal. He’d forgotten the “fringe” bit so instead proceeded to tell how I was a quarter French and a quarter “London” but Daddy was absolutely zero French. And, Max, of course, “can do more French than Daddy.”

You gotta love the boy.

Bath bombs away!

Daddy found a recipe for bath bombs so we decided to try it out. They have to stay in the mold for at least 24 hours so we won’t know until tomorrow how they come out. Messy but fun!

Still sleepy

The Max says “It’s not time to get up. I’m just putting the pillow on my head.”

Catching stuff

The Max fishing in the canal with a big stick and very happy about it.

Max enjoying Portobello

The weather was decent today so we are venturing out through the market (Tony already did his Notting Hill Gate Farmer’s Market run). Lots of performers out today including one of our favorites, the Robbie Boyd Band.

Shelling peas

The Max helping shell some peas for dinner. “It’s magic,” he said.


The Max loves pappadoms. “I always have to get two,” he says. “Okay, Mommy?” Indian food ranks right up there with Thai food for Max.