Monthly Archives: April 2012

Super strong

THIS is how super strong The Max is.

Art day

The Max had an art day after school today (first day back to school!). He made a picture for Mrs. Speirs, his teacher (her mother died during the holiday break) plus a couple of (alien?) wooden spoons, a racetrack…all kinds of different (and messy) art projects. In other words, a grand old messy time.

The Max at Fitou’s

Max’s favorite food is Thai food. By far. We tried a new place today that our neighbor recommended called Fitou’s. Good stuff! Max approved!

A Knight Tea Party

At La Sophia (one of our favorite places) and The Max has set up a knight tea party complete with a tea kettle and candle.

New shoes

The Max got new shoes today. His choice. He has his own style. Not sure how long the white will last.

Andy Balcon on Portobello

The Max dancing on Portobello to a great bluesy guy named Andy Balcon. Bought a CD so he can dance at home.

What you do on a rainy day

Bowling and ski ball and games Oh My! Can you believe The Max beat Deal or No Deal? He won 100 tickets! Sadly, it is 799 for an angry bird doll and even more annoying was that the tag on it *looked* like it said 199 so we’d thought we had enough. Grr Namco.

Lunch with Mommy

Cote Brasserie. Fish and Chips!

Max’s Man Bag

Max has been wanting his own bag for some time. We finally found the perfect one. Just his size. Found it on Portobello and of course he got the automatic five pound discount for cuteness (seriously, you should take this boy shopping).

Dragon Mask

The Max made a dragon mask at the museum.