Monthly Archives: June 2015

Last Assembly of Form 2!

Max’s final assembly for Form 2 was yesterday. It was all about the Magna Carta as it was the 800th anniversary. Max was a Baron.

He was so excited about this one! Especially about the dance they did at the end.

They were all great!

Camp out!

Max had his first time camping. He was well prepared and insisted on carrying everything himself to his friends house.

It was a sleepover camp out in Kent for a friend’s birthday. He got his own sleeping bag and everything.

He took a camera, so will have him post some pictures later. They found WWII stuff and all kinds of things. He had a blast.

Surviving the School Fair

Today was Max’s school fair. As I am the Form Rep for his class, I have been preparing for this for weeks. We had the glitter tattoo and colour hair spray stand and, as a last minute addition, the used toy & costume stall.

It was quiet before the madness.

I have no in progress pictures as it was too crazy. Max had fun. He won two tombola prizes.

Tony even got some hair colour, as did Max. This pic is after we got home and it had worn out a bit.

Survival Birthday Party

The Max attended a survival birthday party today. Complete with camouflage.

He showed his mastery at hiding. He’s that pile of leaves in the background.

Though he was spitting leaves after.

But the water balloon toss might have been his fav bit. They dodged and launched them.

And, of course, cake and goodies.


We are taking it easy today as we were out so late last night after the cricket match. Max had swimming and then we went off to Soho/Fitzrovia area. First lunch at a French Burger place then visits to a Warhammer shop and Forbidden Planet (where we ran into a ninja turtle).

And then a wander by Orc’s Nest and to a nice Italian shop called Lina to get supplies for Tony’s first run of his pizza oven this year.

A nap, and now we’re hanging out doing backyard sidewalk chalk featuring plants vs. zombies.

Tony is making individual pizzas. Michael Jackson on the radio.

And we are planning on watching the first Harry Potter movie in a bit. 😀

First Cricket Game

We are at The Oval for a Surrey vs. Essex (er, I think…it is definitely Surrey) cricket game with friends, including Max’s best girl.

There are flames and craziness. More later.