Monthly Archives: December 2014

Visiting Santa at the Museum of London

Max got a ticket in the mail to see Santa in person at The Museum of London.

He was pretty shy with the man, but did figure out what kind of cookies we needed to leave out (chocolate chip).

I will post the official picture later!

Portable North Pole

Max got a video message from Santa again this year.

This is him watching it before Christmas, being very serious and concerned. And the moment of relief when Santa said he was on the good list.

Neighbourhood Cookie Deliveries

Every year, Max and I make cookies and deliver them to people around the neighbourhood.

Max wore his Santa hat for deliveries this year. Here he is with Mr. John from our local butcher, who had a dancing Santa hat of his own.

We made about seven batches of cookies this year.

Max was a great helper, especially with the decorating!


(Catching up!) Max didn’t quite make it all night at the Bassett Bears sleepover. He did great through the banquet and the disco, but then decided he wasn’t sure about sleeping at the school.

When I went to get him, I noticed one of his friends had the same idea. Long story short, his friend came home with us and they had a mini sleepover instead.

They had a blast, so it all worked out. Then he had a different friend over on another night.

We even went to a fancy tea (along with some other friends who have sadly moved back to LA).

Even a stop by Cybercandy.

And now Max has had a Boxing Day sleepover over at a different friends. Yay!


Max is currently at his first school sleepover — the Bassett Bears Banquet! They are going to have a Hogwarts style dinner, a disco, and lots more. Can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow. At the same time, the house feels really quiet without him.

Christmas Carol Service

Last night was the school’s Christmas Carol Service. It was our first year for it as only children in Form 2 and above do it. It was lovely.

Max sang nicely with his class and with the whole school group.

He’s such a little man.