Monthly Archives: June 2016

First overnight school trip

Max is off on and adventure: his first overnight school trip. He looks like a proper backpacker.

They are going to Flatford Mill to learn about the old mill and explore the English countryside. They’ll be doing pond dipping and animal tracking among other things. He has his wellies.

He helped make his packed lunch for the trip too (chorizo and salami panini). And even did a little sewing in preparation.

I can’t wait to hear his stories when he gets back on Friday!!

Father’s Day

Max’s present to Daddy this year was two games: an old copy of Risk (thanks, James! So old the price is in shillings!) and a new game called Small World.

We’ve learned that Max is a bit of a trash talker when he’s winning at Risk.

Shall we just say that he rolls an inordinate amount of sixes. We played a lot this weekend and everyone got a chance to win, so that was good. 🙂

The other big thing we did today was Taste of London. I had won tickets via Instagram (woot!) and they were kind enough to give an additional ticket for The Max.

We all enjoyed it, though Max had a hard time keeping his mouth on. 😉

Fav bits were Tasteology (look it up, it’s a documentary sponsored by AEG and it’s really interesting, though Max made everyone else in the session have a laugh when he admitted asparagus was not his favourite), the music, all the free samples of interesting things (Max really liked the hippeas), and, of course, trying food!

Max has already asked if we can go again next year. I have to say it’s the best food festival I have ever been to– and I’ve been to lots.

It was a great Father’s Day.

Junior Concert

The Junior Concert was today. Max’s class sang Polly Wolly Doodle and The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

He really loved The Lion Sleeps Tonight. He has been singing it all week!

Good job, everyone!

The Reward

Max finally earned his pen license at school and his reward was a pack of Warhammer Seraphon guys, including the one he has been dying for: a carnosaur ridden by an Old Blood.

“Oh,” Max says, “it’s so beautiful!”

Tom and Jerry

Max is watching some 1940’s era Tom & Jerry. “Oh,” he says, “I remember this one! It’s the one with the posh house!”

Tell me the boy’s not 90% English at this point.

Do Not Open

Max is reading his Do Not Open book (it’s full of facts and weird stories about everything from unsolved crimes to the Loch Ness monster). While reading a story about presidential assassinations he said “Well, he’s a smart looking chap, isn’t he?” (About an illustration of Lincoln and his assassin) and “Wow, Fridays are bad days for presidents.”

Now he’s on to the Men in Black section.

Big boy

Max was really pleased to get his own Oyster card today (he doesn’t yet have to pay to use the Tube or the bus, but now he can walk through on his own).

Excellent for Mommy as I can’t really pick him up anymore for those days the wide gates aren’t working or are busy!

The V&A and Half Term wrap up

Yesterday we went to the V&A with some friends to check out the special exhibits that were going on. Max participated in an exercise to figure out a local problem and solve it (he wanted to fix slippery boring pavement by making it colourful and with texture so people like Daddy wouldn’t slip and break their collarbone anymore).

Then we checked out a robot dance demonstration under the cool robot-built pavilion in the courtyard (it’s based on a beetle). Max even got to learn some new dance moves out of it.

Then back inside where they did another activity based on the pavilion structure but using textiles.

Then we checked out a few bits of the museum (mostly the Japanese collection), had a bit of a sit down and went home.

He can’t wait to go back.

Also during the half term break: two days of multi-sport camp at the Westway, lots of cricket with Dad, and a session of Warhammer at the Games Workshop. A full week!