The V&A and Half Term wrap up

Yesterday we went to the V&A with some friends to check out the special exhibits that were going on. Max participated in an exercise to figure out a local problem and solve it (he wanted to fix slippery boring pavement by making it colourful and with texture so people like Daddy wouldn’t slip and break their collarbone anymore).

Then we checked out a robot dance demonstration under the cool robot-built pavilion in the courtyard (it’s based on a beetle). Max even got to learn some new dance moves out of it.

Then back inside where they did another activity based on the pavilion structure but using textiles.

Then we checked out a few bits of the museum (mostly the Japanese collection), had a bit of a sit down and went home.

He can’t wait to go back.

Also during the half term break: two days of multi-sport camp at the Westway, lots of cricket with Dad, and a session of Warhammer at the Games Workshop. A full week!

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